Test custom Rails routes with RSpec
Recently I was reading how to test custom rails routes, so I would like to share it.
Image that we have the current custom route:
put '/posts/:post_id/comments/sort' to: 'post_comments/sort#update'
and we want to test that the request is routable.
Our test will be:
describe 'sort all comments of a post' do
it 'tests that the request is routable' do
expect(put: "/posts/#{post.id}/comments/sort").to route_to(
controller: "posts/sort",
action: "update",
post_id: post.id.to_s
Notice that we convert the id to string, otherwise the test is going to fail. The route_to matcher is very helpful when we want to test routes other than
standard RESTful routes.
For more examples you can check the Relish documentation for RSpec route_to matcher.