Rake task to generate new jekyll posts
Writing a Rake Task to generate new post for jekyll blogs
This is a simple rake file that generates new posts.
It is very easy to use it, just create a new Rakefile
and paste the following code:
DATE = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
TIME = Time.now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
POST_DIR = '_posts'
desc "Generate new post"
task :new_post do
puts 'Please write the post title'
@name = STDIN.gets.chomp
@title = @name.downcase.strip.gsub(' ', '-')
@file = "#{POST_DIR}/#{DATE}-#{@title}.markdown"
if File.exists?("#{file}")
raise 'file already exists'
File.open(@file, 'a+') do |file|
file << "---\n"
file << "layout: post\n"
file << "title: \"#{@name}\"\n"
file << "date: #{DATE} #{TIME}\n"
file << "categories: \n"
file << "---\n"
You can run the task by typing the following command:
$ rake new_post
The task is straight forward, it does very simple things, just asking for a title and then creates a new file according to jekyll’s requirments under the _posts folder.
Of cource the task is far from perfect and can be improved.